Q1: Track your comments at a focal point
A1: Done
Q2: Using personal portal.
A2: Done. (Image as below)
Q3: Make your blog organized by adding labels
A3: Done
Q4: Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
a) What are the commercial values of Internet?
The Internet has brought about numerous new trademark issues. The commercial value of trademarks can easily be diluted in cyberspace. It is for this reason that expert advice should be gained to identify culprits and to take legal action.
b) List some business strategies for online commerce
* Channel master strategy - The focus by better price, better service and more convenience.
* Customer Magnet strategy - The focus on new budles of products and services.
* Value chain pirate strategy - The focus on only a part of the range of services provided by full-service firms.
* Digital distributor strategy -Has built a business selling research, analysis, and investor education from their web site without alos providing trading.