Sunday, March 23, 2008

Homework 3-15-2008

Web Service System Design Homework 03-15-2008

Q1: Read Paper 1 & Paper 2. Provide a summary for each of the paper.


a) Reading............
b) Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Community.

Q2: Read Chap. 4 of the textbook. What is the Business-to-business model?
A2: Businesses with online catalogs selling products to other businesses. The fcus on MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) goods rather than COGS (cost of goods and services) ordering. COGS generally implies large production orders for manufacturing, and although online systems and technologies such as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) are used for this category of Commerce, by the time a product is in production, catalogs of components are not the issue. The specifically include the use of online catalogs for designers wanting to select components for later use in products.

Q3: Digital goods can be distributed over the Internet but physical goods have to be delivered logistically. What are digital goods? What are the differences between the two?
A3: Digital goods refers to the goods of any all right digital. For example:
a) Surf the internet and download relevant games through PS3
b) Channel of paying of DVB-T
c) Watch the digital movie through the mobile phone
Digital goods and physical goods main difference is as follows:
a) Essence difference of tangible material and invisible material
b) The saving of operating cost
c) Digital goods is convenient and easy to keep

Using RSS to track many blogs at one time.
A4: Done. As below are RSS feeds list:
The New York News.
Raymond's Blog.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Homework 3-08-2008

Web Service System Design Homework 03-08-2008

Q1: Track your comments at a focal point

A1: Done

Q2: Using personal portal.

A2: Done. (Image as below)

Q3: Make your blog organized by adding labels

A3: Done

Q4: Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.


a) What are the commercial values of Internet?

The Internet has brought about numerous new trademark issues. The commercial value of trademarks can easily be diluted in cyberspace. It is for this reason that expert advice should be gained to identify culprits and to take legal action.

b) List some business strategies for online commerce

* Channel master strategy - The focus by better price, better service and more convenience.

* Customer Magnet strategy - The focus on new budles of products and services.

* Value chain pirate strategy - The focus on only a part of the range of services provided by full-service firms.

* Digital distributor strategy -Has built a business selling research, analysis, and investor education from their web site without alos providing trading.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Homework 3-01-2008

Web Service System Design
Homework 3-01-2008

Q1: According to the book by Treese and Stewart, what is the commerce value chain? Why not see them on an individual basis?

A1: Based on the book, they look at a very gereral value chain for internet commerce, as shown as below. This value chain is focused in the interactions of busines with its customers. The details will certainly be different for different businesses ( and for some different business models). The components of this general value chain are as follows.
1. Attract customers.
Marketing -- get and keep customer interest.
2. Interact with customers.
Sales -- turn interest into order
3. Act on customer instruction.
Order management -- order capture, payment, fulfillment.
4. React to customer requests.
Customer service, technical support.

If in individual basis, unable to carry on valid contacting to Attract/Interact/Act/React in the sale of the products, so is unable to reach the due value of the products on customer's cognition.

Q2: Is the Internet different from other media? Why?

A2: Yes, The Internet is different from other media. The Internet except basic e-mail. Web use and msn...etc. to use. Internet function changes faster at present. Such as present shopping at network, P2P download . In the near future, can control consumer products through Internet ex(TV, DVR, electric light.....). This strong function is not that the single media can replace.

Q3: Convert one of your Word document using Google docs

A3:Sample of docs

Q4: Customize your blogs.

A4: Done